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Sunflower Bouquets Delivery

Sunflowers are a surefire way to brighten anyone's day! 21 Flowers florist offers you the freshest bouquets of sunflowers, perfect for celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries and more! New to our collection is a variety of rose and sunflower bouquets, perfect for sending a special gift.


Sunflowers & Roses Bouquet


Bouquet with Sunflowers


Sunflowers & Pink Roses


Sunflower Surprise


Sunflower Arrangements


Sunflowers & Iris Bouquet


Sunflower Flower - Meaning, Symbolism

The sunflower or sunflower or simply sun. If you love this bright flower, you will be curious to know what the meaning of sunflower is. What is the symbolism behind this plant, its spiritual significance and its significance in mythology and folk culture.

It began to be cultivated in ancient times by the peoples of Central America, well before corn. Its seeds proved to be a valuable nutritional element as they are rich in fat.

In Greek mythology, due to the myth of Clytia and Lefkothoi, the sunflower usually means worship and faith. However, the meanings of the sunflower can vary between cultures.

In China, people associate sunflowers with longevity, good luck and vitality.

In Native American groups, sunflowers represented harvest, bounty, and nourishment because they provided seeds, pigment, and more.

Color concept - Sunflower

There is no great poem or any other work of art without flower symbolism. Flowers have inspired people throughout history and captured their attention in many ways.

There is so much you can say just by giving a certain type of flower, without ever saying a word.

The yellow color of the sunflower symbolizes vitality, intelligence and happiness. The color yellow also traditionally symbolizes friendship.

Sunflowers also symbolize worship and faith in various religions due to their resemblance to the sun, which is associated with spiritual knowledge and the desire to seek light and truth.

The Incas used sunflowers to symbolize the Sun God and brought them to temples for worship. Priestesses also wore sunflowers on their clothing and as crowns.

Sending a bright yellow sunflower bouquet will not only make someone feel special and bright, but also express your most tender feelings.


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