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Gerbera Bouquets Delivered

Celebrate a special occasion with a unique bouquet of gerberas! The simplicity of a daisy's bright blooms will make you smile! The name 'Zerbera' and their meaning is innocence and joy – making them a perfect symbol of love, family and friendship!


Gerbera - Daisies - Bouquet


Gerberas Bouquet


Colorful Gerbera Bouquet


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Send Bouquet of Gerbera Daisy Flowers

As happy and festive flowers, it is no surprise that gerbera is a popular flower in Greece. Bright and cheerful gerbera daisies are the perfect way to give a gift that radiates happiness. Send a bouquet of yellow, white and pink daisies to say thank you, good luck and happy birthday for any occasion.

Gerbera Flower - Meaning, Symbolism & Colors

The gerbera flower symbolizes happiness and joy. When to offer gerbera as a gift. In the Victorian language of flowers, the symbolism and meaning of the gerbera means happiness. It is a symbol of simple beauty that often translates into a very happy life.

Gerberas come in rich reds, oranges, peachy yellows and white.
The color meaning for orange is, sunshine of life.
Red means, unconsciously in love or fully immersed in love.
White is a symbol of purity or innocence.
Pink, admiration, adoration or high regard
Yellow, joy


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