Choosing a bouquet for a gift can be a difficult task. Our wide range includes countless options and ideas for men's and women's gifts that they will love.
- Heigt 55 cm
- Width 35 cm
- Free Greeting card
- Same Day Delivery
- Monday to Sunday
- 7 Roses
- 3 Lilies
How to send same day flowers
- No matter how busy you are, it's never too late to surprise your family and friends by sending a great gift. Choose from our collection of stunning bouquets and flowers for every occasion.
Read all the - Shipping Information
For same day flower and gift orders. In the event that a flower is out of stock from the products you see on our website, such as flower arrangements or bouquets, they will be replaced with similar flowers in a different color of equal or greater value. The same goes for (ceramic vases).
Check our map - Delivery Places
With 21 Flowers florist you can send flowers and gifts, exclusively, within Athens with free shipping costs.